By Rafael Robeldo
Welcome back to classes fellow students! I hope that these past two weeks have been an easy transition into school mode. Personally, I prefer Spring semester because I feel like it goes much faster and after, we have summer break which is nice and relaxing! My words of encouragement are “He who conquers, endures”, they come from Percius, a Roman poet. I like this quote since it means that there will be toil and struggle amidst your path to success but at the end you only succeed with conquering them.

This is a new semester and a new year so it is good to have new goals to improve this semester. My personal goal for this semester are to prioritize my sleep schedule because last semester I was constantly sleep deprived and it was dreadful. Additionally, I will be better at time management since last semester I was constantly lagging on some of my assignments. These are some of the things that I hope to accomplish for this semester so I’ll see how it goes and where I need to improve on for the future. For you, it might be something different but it’s always good to have goals to strive for. It’s also important to know methods to accomplish those goals. To accomplish my goals, one way for me to prioritize on my sleep schedule would be to sleep early and also to wake up no later than 8:00 am. For my time management, it would be to focus one or two classes per day depending on the homework assigned and to do as much as I can so that I can relax more on the weekends.
One thing to remember is that the last day to change classes is tomorrow (2/4/20) and if you want to see an advisor don’t forget that you can see Justin Villaseñor who is our Compact Scholars Academic Advisor. If you would like to meet with him after the add/drop deadline, you can book an appointment here.

Lastly, let’s destroy this semester by passing all of our classes and overcoming challenges!
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