by compactscholars | Jun 6, 2019 | Compact Abroad
By Sydney McCown When our instructor told us that we had been assigned a writing activity that required us to go visit a location in Athens and write for one hour, I clenched my teeth and my eyes snapped shut. I had come to Greece to work with asylum seekers and...
by compactscholars | Jun 5, 2019 | Compact Abroad
By Marc Gonzalez “Take what you can, give nothing back.” While this quote is from a Johnny Depp pirate movie, I think it emulates an American ideology of overcoming of obstacles for personal gain. This is part of the mindset I had prior to arriving to Greece, then...
by compactscholars | Jun 4, 2019 | Compact Abroad
By Naomi Marroquin As I walked up the steps of The Imagine Project center entrance, it is the last day of fasting before Ramadan. The white plastered walls are painted with the phrase “you are safe here” in many different languages and colors. Tamar, who is the...
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