By Rafael Robledo

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This is the last week of classes for the fall semester and the week when finals begin. I am excited to be done with another semester here at SDSU but at the same time I am not looking forward to my weekend next week. I have a midterm on Friday, two on Saturday and one on Sunday. I do feel prepared for these finals but I am just not looking forward to having an exhausting weekend. I do have some tips that I’ll be using to destroy my finals (not literally) and hopefully they help you as well! 

Final exams typically cover material that you learn towards the end of the semester and the rest is material that was not covered as much throughout the past midterms. A good way to study is to go over previous final exams and see the material that were covered during those exams in order to know what to study for and what you should focus on if you are not entirely confident in the material. 

If you know that one exam will be much more difficult compared to another exam, you should focus more on the one you will struggle the most in. For example, I know that for my history final I won’t struggle so I will use my time to focus on chemistry and/or computer science instead since I know that these will be tougher. 

Various studying tips or note taking strategies can be found in earlier Misc. Monday blogs. I recommend taking a look and maybe this can help you incorporate better study techniques or you can form new notes to keep the material fresh in your mind. 

Good luck on exams! Classes end on Wednesday so you can freshen up on some studying before your exams hit. May the force be with you!