Alumni Spotlight: Ellese Carmona

  Full Name: Ellese Marie Carmona Year of Graduation: 2012 Major: B.S. Microbiology A brief description about what you’ve done since graduation: 5 years into Ph. D. Program (Biological & Biomedical Sciences) at Harvard Medical School. Your words of...

Alumni Spotlight: Lindsay Goulet

Full Name: Lindsay Goulet Year of Graduation: Bachelors 2012; Teaching Credential 2013 Degree awarded, including major/minor: Bachelors of Arts in Social Science; Teaching Credential in High School Physics What I’ve done since graduation: I am currently teaching...

Alumni Spotlight: Caylin Hublit

Full Name: Caylin Hublit Year of Graduation: December 2015 Degree: B.S. in Business Administration, Information Systems (my major was Management Information Systems) What I’ve Done Since Graduation: Since graduation I have moved to Washington D.C. to start my career...