Alumni Spotlight: Ellese Carmona

  Full Name: Ellese Marie Carmona Year of Graduation: 2012 Major: B.S. Microbiology A brief description about what you’ve done since graduation: 5 years into Ph. D. Program (Biological & Biomedical Sciences) at Harvard Medical School. Your words of...

DUS’s 2nd Annual BeHIP! SDSU Student Conference

This past weekend, the Division of Undergraduate Studies (DUS) hosted its 2nd Annual BeHIP! SDSU Student Conference on April 8th, 2017. With an emphasis on High Impact Practices (HIPs), the conference featured a series of guest lecturers, workshops, free food, and...

Alumni Spotlight: Lindsay Goulet

Full Name: Lindsay Goulet Year of Graduation: Bachelors 2012; Teaching Credential 2013 Degree awarded, including major/minor: Bachelors of Arts in Social Science; Teaching Credential in High School Physics What I’ve done since graduation: I am currently teaching...

Alumni Spotlight: Caylin Hublit

Full Name: Caylin Hublit Year of Graduation: December 2015 Degree: B.S. in Business Administration, Information Systems (my major was Management Information Systems) What I’ve Done Since Graduation: Since graduation I have moved to Washington D.C. to start my career...