Misc. Monday: Stay Alert, Not Anxious

By Rafael Robledo As we all know, we are amidst a pandemic and there is a lot of miscommunication and misinformation through people via social media or even rumors that are being spread. That is the reason for the title ‘Stay Alert, Not Anxious’. This...

Misc. Monday: The Excitement of Formula 1

By Rafael Robledo For this week, I would like to share one of my favorite hobbies that I like to watch when I have time. Since I was a kid, I always liked race cars and until 2 years ago, I started to get into Formula 1 or F1. In F1, there are 20 of the world’s best...

Misc. Monday: Note Taking Strategies

By Rafael Robledo The concept of writing notes can be seen as something tedious and time consuming but they are important since they help us understand the material that we are learning. Last semester I wrote a blog on some of the different types of methods that might...